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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Its snowing to much so the roads are really slippery, how about we watch a documentary about the water cycle?
  • Why can't we go to the museum today mum?
  • Transpiration
  • Transpiration is the fourth step of the water cycle. Transpiration is when the rain/ snow/ hail gets soaked up into the ground and the plants absorb it, then some of the water vapour escapes through tiny holes in the leaves called stomata.
  • Run-off
  • This unexpected weather has made a turn for the better. While we wait for the end of this snow I will tell you a bit about the fifth step of the water cycle. This is called the run-off when the water runs of the earth into lakes, rivers, lakes and ponds.
  • Infiltration
  • That's really interesting
  • Did you know that the fifth step of the water cycle is called Infiltration. This is when some of the water is absorbed by the soil.
  • Precipitation
  • Welcome to the water cycle treasure hunt! You have found the clue.. ME! We are up to the 3rd step in the water cycle. This is called Precipitation, this is when the cloud rains, hails or snows. Come back tomorrow for the fourth step.
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