It truly is incredible we are possibly the first humans in this cave in 1000s of years
I have got goosebumps professor
Oh my!!! What do we have here ?
These paintings are really interesting !!!
The size and shape of these bones...they look human
This cave is so did these people get here
These must be several thousand years old!!
Wear your gloves and collect some bone samples...they could be incredibly useful
Sir this is no bone...its..its a scroll!!!
Parvus et informem ut faciam super vosEt usque in aeternum hanc relinquere ego te- Allium sativum- Ginger- Carpe- Astragalus
It reads "Small and lifeless I take over youTake this and forever I will leave you" and then a bunch of ingredients
It's in Latin
Lets collect these artefacts and leave. We need to scale the cliff before sundown
I can't believe we made such an incredible discovery
Congratulations on this discovery
Press Conference
What do you think the scroll is referring to?
From our understanding the scroll is referring to viruses and the compounds provided may be a cure against the viruses plaguing our planet
But we are going to let the pharmacologists do studies on its truth as we are not the best qualified
Press Conference
Scientists cure world virus pandemic with herbal medicine
The End
Honey, its just a movie
I told you we should just trust natural compounds instead of vaccines
At one of the best bio labs in the US
Nonsense!! Science has evolved so much for new drugs. We are not going take some Hollywood writing seriously
Sir the latest movie on stopping viruses has been gaining popularity. Should we make an effort to start research on those compounds and viruses ?
Who is more likely to be right? 1000s of researchers or some Hollywood film. How can 4 compounds be a cure to all viruses. If it could cure HIV we would know by now . Now stop wasting your time!!!
But Sir viruses such as HIV don't have a definite treatment. Natural medicine can be a new path that we have not considered
Back Home
Lets not get Holly vaccinated anymore. There have been studies coming out on benefits of natural compounds
Are you seriously basing this off the movie ?
The film is right. I have read about it.
Lets..lets just wait a couple of months before we decide definitively
At a struggling Bio-lab
Did you see the latest movie on virus ?
Yes...I found the idea of using natural medicine for viruses quite interesting
You are joking right? It's just from a movie
Nope, with so little solutions to so many viruses such as HIV, why not drive our focus on natural medicine
Its a chance but a breakthrough like this can change our lab completely and I bet this movie can help us gain investors for the research
So you are thinking about researching it?
A couple of months later
Struggling Bio-lab shows early signs of Garlic's antiviral properties help fight HIV. Other antiviral herbs gaining attention and support
Definitely a missed opportunity for us
We missed out didn't we. Should have taken the movie a little more seriously
Nice job dude!! Heard we got millions of dollars more to continue research
Thanks!! Early stages though
I..I guess so
See I told you herbs is the way to go. Look at the papers
Holly's School
We decided not to vaccinate Holly and support herbal medicine
We thought the same. With everyone and the film supporting herbal medicine it should be fine
The government continues to press the importance of vaccines
Protests against the need for vaccination and support for herbal medicine grows day by day
The Park
Holly lets go, stop playing in the dirt and is that are bleeding..lets get you home
Holly's bedroom the next day
Holly's really sick..she's got a fever she's sweating and she's struggling to move her mouth
Let me call a doctor!!
When she was 4 months old
Ma'm when is the last time your daughter got a tetanus shot ?
Shes been having several herbs that have anti viral properties instead
What? Why has she not got one at the age of 4 ?
But aren't viruses the dangerous ones. I don't know I thought they were all the same
Ma'm Tetanus is caused by a bacteria
She needs treatment rightaway
Lab investigating Garlic's impact on HIV continues to gain success
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