Hey I am john adams the first vice president of the united states and the second president.I defended the british after the british massacre
Yeah they have no reason to be defended they guilty!
but the british killed people for no reason!
Women deserve the same rights as men!!!
Hello I am abigail adams, the wife of john adams and the mother of john q adams.I advocated for women rights with mail through my husband
Yeah we can do the same things they can so we deserve the same!!!
You killed us
hey I am george washington also know as the first president of the u.s.before I was a british soldier who unsuccessfully lead troops during the the french and indian war and the commander of the continental army
hello I am haym salmon,I was arrested as a british spy but was able to escape before being hung. I became a patriot and joined the new york sons of liberty
Hello I am thomas paine I traveled the american colonies and became involved in the patriot cause.I was able to convince the colonies to break with england and become independent
hey I am thomas jefferson, I was a Delegate to the house of burgesses and was the first and second continental congress.I also wrote the first draft of the declaration of independence and became the us minister of defense