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Gina's Storyboard

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Gina's Storyboard
Storyboard That

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • After learning about Gina's story, I truly admire her mother's strength, persistence and never giving up. Parents want the best for their children, therefore they should always be included and their needs should always be considered.
  • See the next two slides for ways you can help parents share their voice.
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  • COMMUNICATION BOOKSSending your students home each day with a "communication" notebook is a great way for parents to keep in touch with teachers daily. They are able to ask questions and comment on their child's social, behavioral and academic needs. This is also a great way to keep up with any changes your students are facing that could effect their emotional/social/academic interactions.
  • EMAILEmail is an effective way for parents to communicate with teachers. Parents and teachers can use email to express any concerns they are having about the student and teachers can comment on their child's progress.
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  • BLOGCreating a class blog (Google Classroom) is a great way to have parents involved. Parents can ask the teacher questions and stay on task with their child's assignments/progress.
  • QUESTIONNAIRES/SURVEYSSending home questionnaires and surveys for parents to fill out is a great way for teachers to learn about their students. This can help teachers learn about their students strengths, weaknesses, goals and interests.
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