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angel numbers

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angel numbers
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  • Angel numbers are another strand of the invention of numerology which was invented by a man named Pythagoras in the sixth century B.S.
  • me
  • July 6, 2007
  • The true origins are unclear since all the information given was from the texts written hundreds of years after his death.
  • Some people also believe that angel numbers were derived from Christian teachings. Since the Christian bible has some spiritual significance attached to the numbers as well.
  • Angel numbers are used by calculating your birth date. Simply add together the day you were born, the month you were born, and the year to get the final sum as your personal angel numbers.
  • For example, I was born on July 6, 2007. Therefore I would add together 7, 6, 2, 0, 0, 7 to get the total sum of 22. Then you would add both digits to give you a single digit. My final sum would equal 4 making my personal angel numbers “444”.
  • 7+6+2+0+0+7 = 222+2= 4"444"
  • Your personal angel numbers will resonate with your personality from time to time and those numbers are your angels communicating with you. So whenever you spot your angel numbers it could be wherever. On a clock, on a sign, in your dreams, repeating numbers on a textbook, etc. It could possibly be your angels sending you a message.
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