Run Castle, Run! Dad why did you have to drink so much that night? Why were you and mom arguing again? Why did you have to shoot at us? Now, mom and I are running for our lives scared…
Castle lives with his mother in an impoverished neighborhood in a big city. His father is in jail after attempting to shoot Castle and his mother.
Castle lives with his mother in an impoverished neighborhood in a big city. His father is in jail after attempting to shoot Castle and his mother.
Libisema: 3
Rising Action
Castle heard about a track team and wanted to tryout. He thought he could run faster than any of the other kids on the team. He decided to try out even though he knew his mom possibly wouldn't let him be on the team. He ran against another kid whom was known for being fast and it was a very close race.
Libisema: 4
Castle is always being picked on for the type of clothes and shoes he wears. This particular day he decided to skip school and ended up in a shoe store. This is where he had a bright idea to steal a pair of shoes so he wouldn't be picked on anymore.
Libisema: 5
Falling Action
Castle and his teammates bond over personal stories and Castle finally feels seen and understood. Things go well until Coach sees a “wanted” poster of Castle in the store. He threatens to kick him off the team. Castle thinks Coach can't understand what he's going through. Coach reveals his own personal trauma and Castle realizes that he can rise above his situation..
Libisema: 6
It's game day and Castle is excited. He also found out that he will have to race his classmate he got into an altercation with and his teammate. Everyone in the crowd is cheering for them and then the gun goes off and the race has begun!