Once upon a time there was a little boy who was very sad and a nightingale flew up to him and asked him: "What's the matter? The boy told him that his beloved had asked him for a red rose to go to the ball, but he had looked everywhere and could not find a red rose.
The nightingale went in search of the red rose, and found a bush of white roses. He asked her how he could find the red rose, and she told him that she was willing to do anything, and that she could offer him the red rose, but she would have to make a sacrifice of love.
Libisema: 2
The nightingale, seeing the boy so sad, decided to make the sacrifice for love, and the next morning he went to the white rose and had to stick his heart deep into a thorn, there, the blood would turn the white rose into a red rose, until the nightingale stopped breathing.
The next morning the boy started to look for the nightingale and did not find it. But he found the RED ROSE, which the nightingale had given his life for. He decided to take it and bring it to his beloved.
Libisema: 3
When he got to his beloved, he gave her the red rose and she said: "No more need, I'm going to the ball with another boy," throwing the rose on the floor. The boy felt so sad, the nightingale's sacrifice had been in vain, and colorin colorado, this story is over.