Oh hey there! This place is India under control of the British Empire. In these houses we are teaching children law, and education. Before you ask, the reason why you might see some unhappy people is because many traditional lifestyles of these people are unfortunately having to be replaced by British customs.
Wow I just wish I could have more than one conversation... Anyways what is this place?
Libisema: 2
Wait where am I? Am I at my treehouse? And where is my chair? I guess it got worn out or used up.
Libisema: 3
Wait a minute, I just realized something. The Romans constructed roads and buildings, and the Byzantine Empire spread religion. Both of those are still used by almost everyone even today! Not to forget the British legal and educational system continues to be important today. I guess these dominant empires were so influential that they even impacted the current state of the world I live in today! Unfortunately, while these changes were brought in people had to adjust. Though these empires have fallen, their influence remains.