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Types of Conflict

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Types of Conflict
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Man V. Man Pg. 7
  • How dare you snitch on me!
  • Man V. Self Pg. 24
  • Man V. Nature Pg. 77
  • Cole (brown hair) beat up Peter (orange hair) after Peter snitched on Cole. Cole slammed Peter's head into the sidewalk. The text states on page 7, Later, after school, Cole cornered Peter outside in the parking lot. With anger that had been brewing all day, he attacked him and started hitting him hard in the face with his bare fists. (7 Mikaelsen)
  • Cole lit his camper/cabin on fire out of a fit of rage. Cole didn't like being alone and unfeared so it made him angry. According to the text on page 24, Rage controlled his tight grip on the match. It controlled the defiant flare of his nostrils and the striking of the match against the box. Rage controlled Cole's hand as he drew back, paused for a slip second, and then flipped the lighted match inside the shelter. (24 Mikaelsen)
  • Cole was attacked by the Spirt Bear and was left to die. Cole had to suffer and stay still waiting for what was next. According to the text on page 77, Would the bear just kill him and leave him to the seagulls, or would it eat him? (77 Mikaelsen)
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