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The wise old woman

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The wise old woman
Storyboard That

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Looge oma süžeeskeemid

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • The young lord makes a new law
  • The young farmer and his mom
  • To the mountain they go
  • Many years ago there was a young and cruel lord, but today he decided something needed to change in his village, he wanted the old people GONE, the reason behind his actions were that the old people were useless. So he goes out in the town and tell everyone that anybody over the age of 71 will be banished to the mountains to die.
  • The hidden safe spot
  • In this village there was a man and his mother, all though they were poor he loved his mother and they lived happily. But 1 day his mother became the age of 71, the mother did not know she had to go to the mountains but the son did and he didn't want to take her up there but people were starting to spread roomers. But one day the mother found out I told him that he must take her to the mountains so that's what he did.
  • The bee in the drum
  • So the farmer had to take his mother up the mountain so he went up and up till there was no more path. On there way up the mountain when there was no longer a path the mother decided to break twigs off trees, the son was confused and ask his mom why she was doing that and she explained it was so he had a way back down, when he saw that his mom was still thinking about him even when going to her death made him think, he had an idea, he was going to try and hide his mom from the lord.
  • The new law is no more
  • The son's idea was to dig out a big hole under the kitchen of there his so that his mother could hide under ground so that the lord and his guards couldn't find her. But 1 day when the farmer was out he heard commotion between the village, when he got to hear what he was talking about they were talking about a man named Lord Higa who was going to concur the village and make it his own. But he wouldn't capture the village if they could finish the his 3 challenges.
  • The lord of the village he lived in had 3 wise men, so when this random lord from the other village said he was going to capture them he ask the wise men but not even the wise men new how to do the challenges. So when the farmer heard that no even the wise men knew what to do he asked his mom if she knew the answer how to do the challenges and she knew so with the help of his mother he was able to tell the king what to do and they were able to save the village. In 1 of the challenges you had to make a drum make noise without a person hitting it, so the farmer went to ask his mother and the answer was simple, just a put a bee inside a drum that has paper edges.
  • The farmer, his mom, and the lord were able to defeat the other lord and keep their village, when the lord asked how the farmer knew all the answers to the challenges he told the lord the truth that his mother told him and that he was hiding his mother, when the lord heard this he realized that he was wrong about banishing old people to the mountain because they are smart so he got rid of the law.
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