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Space Exploration

Loo Süžeeskeemi
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Space Exploration
Storyboard That

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Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Gain Attention
  • Good morning, class! Before we start our lesson, let's watch a video about the space first.
  • Describe the Goal
  • Objectives:
  • 1. Gain general knowledge and explore interest regarding the space.2. Students will be able to use prepositions to create proper sentence.
  • Activate Prior Knowledge
  • For example, I am standing beside the table. The preposition here is "beside".
  • Preposition is used to describe the position of a noun.
  • It is important to understand preposition as it helps us to communicate and achieve understanding.
  • I, as a teacher, begin by gaining students' attention through presenting a video of the space station.
  • Present the Material
  • Sun
  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Next, I present what the students should be able to attain at the end of the session.
  • Provide Learner Guidance
  • How do we describe the position of the Sun?
  • Since the students have learned about the positions of space matters, I remind them and emphasize how important preposition is to building proper sentences or to communicate.
  • Elicit Performance
  • Susannah, you will become the Earth, and try to move slowly around the Sun.
  • I proceed to the lesson by discussing and explaining the usage of preposition using pictures of planets in the solar system on the whiteboard.
  • 1. The Earth is between the planet Venus and the planet Mars.2. Behind the Earth, there is planet Venus.
  • After the lesson, I listen to the questions from the students to make sure there is understanding and learning in them.
  • Any questions, clarifications, or anything you don't understand?
  • Teaching and learning is continued in the classroom where several students are selected to represent a few of planets from the solar system to make them gain deeper understanding of preposition.
  • Everybody else then tells the position of Susannah when I ask her to stop.
  • Mario, you will be the Sun, Frank will be the Mercury, and Alia will be the Venus.
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