Benvolio: please Mercutio, lets stop, its hot and the Capulets are here, if we meet them we are not to fight.Mercutio: I don't care about the Capulets.
narration - Benvolio is telling Mercutio to not get into an argument with the Capulets, but Tybalt interrupts them and ask to have a word.
Tybalt: Good day gentlemen, may I have a word with one of you.
Mercutio: (draws his sword)
narration: Tybalt Romeo start arguing, and Mercutio gets tired of Tybalt and starts to pull out his sword to fight
Romeo: I am no villain, it seems that you do not know me at all.
Romeo: No, I haven't hurt you but I've only loved, I cherish your Capulet name
Tybalt: Boy! stop making excuses for the damage you have done to me, take out your sword and fight me
Tybalt: Romeo you are nothing but a villain.
Mercutio: IM HURT!!! May both of your houses be cursed!!Go call a surgeon, take me somewhere or i will die Benvolio!!
narration: Tybalt and Mercutio fight, Mercutio dies and Tybalt runs away.