  • Otsing
  • Minu Süžeeskeemid

journy of sperm

Loo Süžeeskeemi
Kopeerige see süžeeskeemid
journy of sperm
Storyboard That

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Looge oma süžeeskeemid

Proovige seda tasuta!

Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Vagina
  • This is the start of my long journey the vagina
  • Im going to beat all the deffense 
  • Cervix
  • Why does everyone want to kill me im just a inocent sperm
  • There are so many entrances to the cervix what one do I pick I will get lost.
  • Ahh watch out we have white blood cells coming
  • Uterus
  • This is the enter of the fallopian tube 
  • We are almost there
  • We have to kill the blood cells before they get in the fallopiean tube 
  • About 250 million sperm enter the vagina about 99 percent die within 30 minutes . The sperm has to survive agsint dedaly acids.
  • Fallopian tube
  • 60,000 sperm remain must naviagte through the cervix. The cervix is plugged with mucas to protect the pathogens. Sperm must swin single file through tiny channels in the cervical canal Most will die because they get sruck or lost.
  • Fertilization
  • Approximently 3000n sperm remain and must navigate through the fallopian tube. Sperm attacked by leukocytes. Remaning sperm must find their way down the fallopian.
  • Implataiton
  • Approximatley 10-30 spream remain.Once inside, sprem are safe fom attack by leukocytes.Spream are provided with noursihment frm the fallopiean tube so thy my stay alive for several hours everyday.
  • Im going to win and ferlizlie the egg
  • No im going to win
  • Now its a race bewteen me and you
  • The reamining sprem must attempt to find the egg at the upper end of the fallopian tube.Egg releles chemicals that sprem can snese and they begin to move more quicly. Egg(ova) largest cell uin the human body, only lives for 24 hours once it is relases into the fallopian tube. capacition shed layers of protein to be able to propel faster in order to penetrate egg.Timing must be perfect becuase a spream will only live for afew hours after capacition process.
  • I see the egg were almost there 1 last push
  • I have to win I came all this way
  • The zygote travels down the fallopian tubes towards the uterus cells begin dividing.On day four the tiny bundle of cells in named a blastocst.5 days later, the embryo brekas ot of prtective shell and implants in the wall of the uterus and begins growing.
  • (sperm inside) nice job now we are twins)
  • Were twins
  • (sperm inside) Lets go we did it as a team now we can both be alive
  • Oh my, lets go
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