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Growth Mindset Storyboard

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Growth Mindset Storyboard
Storyboard That

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Süžeeskeem Tekst

  • Madison's Problem
  • I just don't understand why I am not good at something I am interested in. Maybe I should give up...I don't know if I am smart enough.
  • Why can't I learn this information.. I am so worried about failing and not getting into my favored college...but I am so distracted.
  • Maddison is Worried
  • *Teacher teaching the lesson*
  • Madison's Fixed Mindset
  • I should just transfer back to my old school where I could get A's and B's. Maybe I'm not good enough for this school
  • Madison, a very smart and typically motivated girl just moved to a new charter school. Her grades are slipping as she enters into classes catered to her college plans. She just received her first C after being an A, B student, she is worried her GPA will fall.
  • Madison Discusses Her Concerns With Her Teacher
  • I can't succeed at this school, I need to go back to my old school to make better grades. I am scared I will miss out on college and fail school here.
  • Madison continues to think about the C she received in class, this is distracting her from learning the lesson the teacher is trying to teach. She is too busy worrying about the future instead of paying attention in class now.
  • Madison is Learning About the Growth Mindset
  • Madison it seems like you want to be here to get into college, I want to encourage you to stay. I have many different options to help you succeed. Please accept tutoring, participate in classroom movement and activities, eat a snack from the classroom, ask questions, and more. I am here to help you learn and succeed. Believe in yourself!
  • Madison doesn't think she is good enough for this school and believes that the only way she can succeed is if she goes back to her old school. She thinks if she continues to try at this new school she will fail. She is going to talk to her teacher about this consideration.
  • Madison Uses Her Growth Mindset in Class
  • *Teacher teaching lesson*
  • Madison finally reaches out to her teacher about her feelings of being scared for the future if she were to continue at this school rather than her old school. This makes her upset as she knows this school will help her get into the college of her dreams, but only if she succeeds.
  • Madison's teacher is helping her understand a growth mindset by encouraging her to not be so down about her current grade and instead trying to expand her knowledge. Her teacher shares that she is there to help and offers other resources that Madison can use for help when she is not at school like tutoring or study resources.
  • Madison takes this new knowledge of a growth mindset and applies it to her time spent in class. This helps her grow her knowledge within the class and enjoy learning about the information inside and outside of the classroom. She is making better grades and has forgotten about the C she received in the beginning of the school year. She knows that she now has the power to conquer her dreams.
  • I am so glad I stayed and am succeeding, I am no longer afraid to fail because I know I can always conquer anything I want.
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