  • Otsing
  • Minu Süžeeskeemid
Tegevuse Ülevaade
Malli ja Klassi Juhised
Tegevuse Ülevaade Accordion Arrow

Tegevuste Ülevaade

Selles tegevuses tuvastavad õpilased luuletuse struktuurikomponendid , sealhulgas tähed ja jooned. Samuti määravad õpilased riimi skeemi ja stanza tähenduse.

"Teie maailma" struktuuri analüüs: Stanza One

Liinid neli
Riimiskeem ABCB
  • "See"
  • B "pidama"
  • C "nurk"
  • B "kõrvale"
Tähendus Luuletaja räägib sellest, et ta on millegi suhtes sunnitud ega saa elus hakkama. Tiivad (lind) sümboliseerivad inimese võimeid ja seda, kuidas neid ei kasutata.

Pärast luuletuse tähenduse määramist saavad õpilased luua narratiivis visuaale, mis kehtivad nende endi elu kohta.

Malli ja Klassi Juhised Accordion Arrow

Mall ja Klassi Juhised

(Need juhised on täielikult kohandatavad. Pärast "Kopeeri tegevus" klõpsamist värskendage juhiseid ülesande vahekaardil Redigeerimine.)

Student Instructions

Identify the structural components of the poem including lines, rhyme scheme, and meaning.

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. Complete the description boxes.
  3. Create images that depict each description box. Be sure to use appropriate scenes, characters, items, and dialogue.
  4. Save and Exit

Tunniplaan Viide

Rubriik Accordion Arrow


(Oma saate luua ka Quick Rubric.)

Structure/Elements of a Poem
33 Points
25 Points
17 Points
The three common elements of a poem are correctly identified. The explanations give context to the scene, and are accurate and appropriate.
Two elements of a poem are correctly identified. The explanations give some context to the scene, and are somewhat accurate and appropriate.
One or none of the elements of a poem are correctly identified. The explanations give little context to the scene, and are somewhat or are inaccurate or inappropriate.
The art chosen to depict the scenes are accurate to the work of literature. Time and care is taken to ensure that the scenes are neat, eye-catching, and creative.
The art chosen to depict the scenes should be accurate, but there may be some liberties taken that distract from the assignment. Scene constructions are neat, and meet basic expectations.
The art chosen to depict the scenes is inappropriate. Scene constructions are messy and may create some confusion, or may be too limited.
English Conventions
Ideas are organized. There are few or no grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors.
Ideas are mostly organized. There are some grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors.
Ideas may be disorganized or misplaced. Lack of control over grammar, mechanics, and spelling reflect a lack of proofreading.

Tegevuste Ülevaade

Selles tegevuses tuvastavad õpilased luuletuse struktuurikomponendid , sealhulgas tähed ja jooned. Samuti määravad õpilased riimi skeemi ja stanza tähenduse.

"Teie maailma" struktuuri analüüs: Stanza One

Liinid neli
Riimiskeem ABCB
  • "See"
  • B "pidama"
  • C "nurk"
  • B "kõrvale"
Tähendus Luuletaja räägib sellest, et ta on millegi suhtes sunnitud ega saa elus hakkama. Tiivad (lind) sümboliseerivad inimese võimeid ja seda, kuidas neid ei kasutata.

Pärast luuletuse tähenduse määramist saavad õpilased luua narratiivis visuaale, mis kehtivad nende endi elu kohta.

Mall ja Klassi Juhised

(Need juhised on täielikult kohandatavad. Pärast "Kopeeri tegevus" klõpsamist värskendage juhiseid ülesande vahekaardil Redigeerimine.)

Student Instructions

Identify the structural components of the poem including lines, rhyme scheme, and meaning.

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. Complete the description boxes.
  3. Create images that depict each description box. Be sure to use appropriate scenes, characters, items, and dialogue.
  4. Save and Exit

Tunniplaan Viide


(Oma saate luua ka Quick Rubric.)

Structure/Elements of a Poem
33 Points
25 Points
17 Points
The three common elements of a poem are correctly identified. The explanations give context to the scene, and are accurate and appropriate.
Two elements of a poem are correctly identified. The explanations give some context to the scene, and are somewhat accurate and appropriate.
One or none of the elements of a poem are correctly identified. The explanations give little context to the scene, and are somewhat or are inaccurate or inappropriate.
The art chosen to depict the scenes are accurate to the work of literature. Time and care is taken to ensure that the scenes are neat, eye-catching, and creative.
The art chosen to depict the scenes should be accurate, but there may be some liberties taken that distract from the assignment. Scene constructions are neat, and meet basic expectations.
The art chosen to depict the scenes is inappropriate. Scene constructions are messy and may create some confusion, or may be too limited.
English Conventions
Ideas are organized. There are few or no grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors.
Ideas are mostly organized. There are some grammatical, mechanical, or spelling errors.
Ideas may be disorganized or misplaced. Lack of control over grammar, mechanics, and spelling reflect a lack of proofreading.

Koolide ja Piirkondade Hinnakujundus

Kooli Tutvustuspakkumine
  • 1 Kool
  • 5 õpetajat üheks aastaks
  • 1 tund virtuaalset PD-d

30-päevane raha tagasi garantii • Ainult uutele klientidele • Täishind pärast tutvustuspakkumist • Juurdepääs on 1 kalendriaasta

*(Algab 2-nädalane tasuta prooviversioon - krediitkaarti pole vaja)
© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Kõik õigused kaitstud.
StoryboardThat on ettevõtte Clever Prototypes , LLC kaubamärk ja registreeritud USA patendi- ja kaubamärgiametis