Tegevuste Ülevaade
Each state in our country has its own unique fun facts that kids will love to discover. For this activity, students will create a 3 cell storyboard that depicts some interesting facts they have learned about Michigan. Here are some examples of fun facts:
- Great Lakes Galore: Michigan is uniquely bordered by four of the five Great Lakes—Superior, Michigan, Huron, and Erie—making it a haven for beachgoers and water sports enthusiasts.
- Popsicle Origin: The Popsicle was invented by an 11-year-old boy named Frank Epperson in 1905 in Michigan City, Michigan, when he accidentally left a mixture of soda and water outside overnight with a stick in it, creating the first frozen treat on a stick.
- Haunted Lighthouse: The Big Bay Point Lighthouse on Lake Superior is rumored to be haunted by its first lighthouse keeper, Will Prior, who died in a shipwreck while attempting to rescue stranded sailors.
- State Sport Quirk: Michigan is the only state with a designated state sport that isn't played in the Olympics—snowboarding. It reflects the state's love for winter sports and its pioneering role in popularizing snowboarding culture.
- Motor City Moniker: Detroit, Michigan, earned the nickname "Motor City" due to its pivotal role in the birth and growth of the automotive industry, led by innovators like Henry Ford, whose assembly line revolutionized car manufacturing worldwide.
Mall ja Klassi Juhised
(Need juhised on täielikult kohandatavad. Pärast "Kopeeri tegevus" klõpsamist värskendage juhiseid ülesande vahekaardil Redigeerimine.)
Due Date:
Objective: Create a 3 cell storyboard that describes and illustrates 3 interesting facts about Michigan.
Student Instructions:
- Click “Start Assignment”.
- Write a fun fact in each heading.
- In the description box, write a short summary of each heading.
- Create an illustration that represents each heading using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
- Save often!
Tunniplaan Viide
(Oma saate luua ka Quick Rubric.)
Vilunud | Tekkiv | Algus | |
Organisatsioon | Näited on täpsed, täielikud, hästi organiseeritud ja kergesti mõistetavad. | Näited on mõnevõrra täpsed, täielikud, hästi organiseeritud ja kergesti mõistetavad. | Näited on ebatäpsed, mittetäielikud, korrastamata ja raskesti mõistetavad. |
Illustratsioonid | Illustratsioonid kujutavad kirjalikku kirjeldust sobivate stseenide, tegelaste, esemete jms selgete visuaalidega. | Illustratsioonid kujutavad kirjalikku kirjeldust, kuid on ebaselged või puudulikud. | Illustratsioonidel pole kirjaliku kirjelduse juures mõtet. |
Õigekiri ja Grammatika | Õigekiri ja grammatika on enamasti täpsed. Vead ei sega arusaamist. | Õigekiri on ebatäpne ja takistab täielikku mõistmist. | Tekstist on raske aru saada. |
Tegevuste Ülevaade
Each state in our country has its own unique fun facts that kids will love to discover. For this activity, students will create a 3 cell storyboard that depicts some interesting facts they have learned about Michigan. Here are some examples of fun facts:
- Great Lakes Galore: Michigan is uniquely bordered by four of the five Great Lakes—Superior, Michigan, Huron, and Erie—making it a haven for beachgoers and water sports enthusiasts.
- Popsicle Origin: The Popsicle was invented by an 11-year-old boy named Frank Epperson in 1905 in Michigan City, Michigan, when he accidentally left a mixture of soda and water outside overnight with a stick in it, creating the first frozen treat on a stick.
- Haunted Lighthouse: The Big Bay Point Lighthouse on Lake Superior is rumored to be haunted by its first lighthouse keeper, Will Prior, who died in a shipwreck while attempting to rescue stranded sailors.
- State Sport Quirk: Michigan is the only state with a designated state sport that isn't played in the Olympics—snowboarding. It reflects the state's love for winter sports and its pioneering role in popularizing snowboarding culture.
- Motor City Moniker: Detroit, Michigan, earned the nickname "Motor City" due to its pivotal role in the birth and growth of the automotive industry, led by innovators like Henry Ford, whose assembly line revolutionized car manufacturing worldwide.
Mall ja Klassi Juhised
(Need juhised on täielikult kohandatavad. Pärast "Kopeeri tegevus" klõpsamist värskendage juhiseid ülesande vahekaardil Redigeerimine.)
Due Date:
Objective: Create a 3 cell storyboard that describes and illustrates 3 interesting facts about Michigan.
Student Instructions:
- Click “Start Assignment”.
- Write a fun fact in each heading.
- In the description box, write a short summary of each heading.
- Create an illustration that represents each heading using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.
- Save often!
Tunniplaan Viide
(Oma saate luua ka Quick Rubric.)
Vilunud | Tekkiv | Algus | |
Organisatsioon | Näited on täpsed, täielikud, hästi organiseeritud ja kergesti mõistetavad. | Näited on mõnevõrra täpsed, täielikud, hästi organiseeritud ja kergesti mõistetavad. | Näited on ebatäpsed, mittetäielikud, korrastamata ja raskesti mõistetavad. |
Illustratsioonid | Illustratsioonid kujutavad kirjalikku kirjeldust sobivate stseenide, tegelaste, esemete jms selgete visuaalidega. | Illustratsioonid kujutavad kirjalikku kirjeldust, kuid on ebaselged või puudulikud. | Illustratsioonidel pole kirjaliku kirjelduse juures mõtet. |
Õigekiri ja Grammatika | Õigekiri ja grammatika on enamasti täpsed. Vead ei sega arusaamist. | Õigekiri on ebatäpne ja takistab täielikku mõistmist. | Tekstist on raske aru saada. |
Rohkem Storyboard That Tegevust
Michigani Osariigi Juhend
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© 2025 - Clever Prototypes, LLC - Kõik õigused kaitstud.
StoryboardThat on ettevõtte Clever Prototypes , LLC kaubamärk ja registreeritud USA patendi- ja kaubamärgiametis