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Outsiders Storyboard (Storyboard based on Chapter 12)

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Outsiders Storyboard (Storyboard based on Chapter 12)
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • After being convinced that he killed Bob and that Johnny is still alive, Ponyboy pleads as guity in court. However, the Judge believes him to be innocent and aquitts him from the trial.
  • Mr. Curitis, you are hereby aquitted from this trial.
  • Since the trial, Ponyboy has been very depressed and detatched from life overall. His grades plummit, he becomes antisocial, and his life starts taking a downward spiral.
  • I really miss Johnny and Dally...
  • Darry finds out about Ponyboy's bad grades, and lectures Pony about it, causing Two-Bit to become very stressed out. Soon, Two-Bit runs away
  • After Two-Bit runs away, Darry and Ponyboy run after him. When they finally catch up, Two-Bit explains that he ran away because the constant fighting in the house. Darry and Pony promise to get along better and the family makes up and goes home.
  •  Ponyboy goes home to find Johnny's copy of "Gone with the Wind". Inside, Ponyboy finds a note from Johnny. The note explains how Johnny never regretted saving the children for his own life. The letter also tells Pony to "Stay Gold.
  • Johnny.....
  • Ponyboy then has an ambition to spread the story of Johnny to the world and spread what it truly means to "Stay Gold". He starts writing a book, starting with the first llnes of "The Outsiders".
  • Johnny, I shall name our story "The Outsiders"!
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