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Civil Rights Scenarios
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  • Sure they would...wouldn't hurt to go, I guess.
  • Brother Charles, you have been invited to a committee meeting at 6;30. A black girl was attacked at her school, yet again, but the attack was deflected and hit a white girl. They're trying to figure out what to do and would apparently "like our input".
  • 6:25
  • Welcome in "Brotha" Charles. You're late so we figured that we'd begin without you.
  • It's "BrothER" Charles, thank you and I'd like to think I'm on time. 5 minutes early in fact. It's ok anyway, you may continue.
  • Well...welcome in. How about you start out for us Mr. Charles?
  • 6:30
  • *yawn*...what does this have to do with anything?
  • Thank you Miss. My brother was lynched by one of yours truly, without remorse or sympathy. Which led to the passing of my mother, it was too much on her heart and she passed peacefully of natural causes.
  • 6:30
  • poor boy...
  • Brother Charles, of the Black Panther Party, has been reluctantly invited to a committee meeting regarding an "incident" at the local elementary school.
  • 6:40
  • And what does that have to do with the situation at hand?
  • Well Mr. Crow, it shows that black people are always the victims of violence from your people. There will be no true progress until you all realize that. Concerning the girl, give her medical treatment and a good talking to at home. She didn't deserve that, but it's ironic how the intention behind the attack was to harm a little black girl, but you're discussing how to help the white girl...
  • MR. CROW! That is awfully rude of you!
  • Upon arrival, Brother Charles is already met with microaggressions, but he excuses them as he is used to receiving them. He is then asked to begin giving his input.
  • 6:55
  • I don't have to realize anything. That black girl should be grateful she even gets to go to school with Anna Mae.
  • Indeed Mr. Crow. So, you realize that by going to school with Ms. Anna Mae, a white girl, that she has a better education right? For the last 100 years, my people been free dead men and we've realized that we need to stand up for what we deserve. We did build this country...and although I don't think resolve will come peacefully, we're trying. We shall no longer be the bigger men because we're only allowing those clearly smaller than us to be victorious.
  • Brother Charles begins to give details into his brother's death and how that eventually led to the death of his mother as well.
  • 7:25
  • No, YOU look Mr. Crow. The main issue at hand is why a WHITE ADULT felt the need to throw a bottle at a BLACK CHILD! You want to get justice, do it for the black girl and find that inimical individual. Implement classes at that intolerable school, so that more kids can be like Ms. Anna Mae and the black kids can breathe for ONCE! Thank you, Mr. Crow.
  • Brother Charles explains that although he is grateful to those who are in support of Civil Rights, it is to be realized that this attack is the first of many. Mainly because racism will always exist until white people as a collective truly understand the trauma they've caused and the systemic effects that exist.
  • Brother Charles briefly gives his input on the ongoing Civil Rights movement and shares his belief that black people won't overcome 400+ years of oppression and systemic discrimination through peaceful means.
  • Brother Charles notices the anger in Mr. Jim Crow and decides to leave the meeting, but not before giving his own input. He emphasizes the fact that the situation could bring permanent change by educating other white children on the severity of racism. He also highlights the importance of not victimizing the wrong child.
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