Two equally respected families, living in Verona, break out in violence due to an old grudge. A member from each family fall in love and end up commiting suicide due to this.
Act 1 scene 1
I'm gonna kill you!
Not if I kill you first!
At the party of the Capulet's, the beautiful Rosaline will dine with the girls of Verona. Go there, and with an unprejudice eye, compare her face to some of the others I'll show you, I'll make you think your swan is a crow
Rosaline the one I love, doesn't love me
She isn't quite fourteen years old yet, it'll be 2 more years before I think she is ready to marry
My lord, what do you say about my proposed marriage to your daughter Juliet?
He is a flower, truly-a real flower
Tell me, briefly, can you accept Paris as a lover?
I will look at him with the intention of liking him, if looking can make him like me
Then don't move while I recieve what I pray for. My lips, by yours, will be cleansed of sin
Let lips touch as hands do. Lips pray, you knowso faith won't turn to despair
Sainys do not usually take action, though they may grant favors prayed