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3 branches of government

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3 branches of government
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  • Hey dad, I was confuse with school today and I need to know what the 3 branches are of our government
  • oke.
  • To be honest Max, I don't know as well. Go ask you teacher tomorrow. Go to Bed
  • who are you
  • Omg!!!!!! Lesss go
  • Can you help with the 3 branches. Tell Me please please!!
  • Now lets go somewhere where I can tell you more about it.
  • of course I can, Legislative- make the laws. Executive- enforce the laws, Judicial- interpret the laws.
  • I'm lucio, a wizard of government
  • Wow!! I want to be one when I grow up
  • Lucio please tell me how you become all of the branches. How can you become one.
  • Legislative- House Reps. - 25 yr old, citizen for 7 yrs, live in state to represent for 2yr long. Senate- 30yr old. citizen for 9 yrs, live in state to represent 6 yr long
  • I will tell you every single branch and how you become one.
  • Judicial- Supreme court- serve for life until they want to retire, Don't break any laws, President nominates them.
  • Executive- President- 35 yr old, Natural born citizen in U.S. for 14 yrs.
  • You sure can
  • Dang it all makes sense now
  • Max comes home and is confuse about what he learned about government in school today.
  • Is that it
  • Thx lucio, your the greatest wizard,BYE!!!
  • How does a bill become a law- Intro,committee assignment,subcommittees,full house/senate,conf. committee,potus, veto over ride
  • How does president enforce laws- President has power to sign legislation into law or veto bill by congress.
  • How you interpret laws- settle disagreement between two groups. Criminal law- breaking the law. Two groups arguing are the gov. and the person accused.Civil law- someone sues someone else for breaking a contract,violation etc.
  • Nope not exactly, more further info about each branch
  • Yessir, No problem Max,GOODBYE
  • Max goes to bed and has a dream about a wizard name lucio who helps him with the 3 branches of government.
  • DAD, I had the craziest dream last night, a wizard name lucio came and tells all of the branches and now I understand them all
  • Well Max, that's good that you understand now. But that's weird that you had a dream about someone telling you about the branches. But at least you know now. Get ready for school
  • Lucio took Max to a magical kingdom
  • Legislative-To reduce risk to marine mammals, and for other purposes. Thats the bill that is currently being process.
  • Judicial- Rivas-Villegas v. Cortesluna.
  • Executive- The FDA who is appointed by president. 
  • As lucio tells Max more information about the branches they say there goodbyes.
  • Max is happy that he knows the branches and will use it the near future.
  • Here are some examples for each branch of the three branches.
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