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The lottery

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The lottery
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  • Mood: Ominous
  • this is a nice one here!
  • Tone: Imformative
  • "black box"
  • tention
  • "black box"
  • "who has it?"
  • Here in this event the boys are collecting rocks for the lottery.The author writes, "...Dellacroy eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square ..."This sets a ominous mood because it foreshadows the stoning. This event also leads readers to question what the rocks are for, and ask question "What lottery uses rocks?" unaware of what is come.
  • mystery
  • "black box"
  • Once Mr. Summers was done setting everything up, the author starts telling us more about the history of the "Lottery" making the tone informative. "...And the black box now resting on a stool had been put into us even before old man Warner, the oldest man in town, was born" This shows how old the tradition of the "Lottery" is. with telling us how the "Lottery" it makes us wonder how important it is to the town and its villagers. Also this information get the reader wondering if the "Lottery" is that important to the town without even knowing what it is
  • In this event, the slips are opened. Everyone is wondering who has won the lottery. The author states,"suddenly, all the women began to speak at once,saying,"Who is it?," "Whos got it?"..." tension is built by the use of the authors pacing and holding back of information. Also there is tension built in this scene because everyone including readers are eager to know who has "won the lottery" making the reader want to keep reading .
  • this event shows the villagers gathering around, the author creates mystery with this by not telling us why they are doing so. "Soon the men began to gather, surveying their own children, speaking of plating and rain ,tractors and taxes". This does not give us any information as of why they are all gathering around creating a mysterious mood. Also by adding mystery to the plot makes the reader want to keep reading and more interested in the whole story. Also by making the story more interesting to the ready with the mystery added it makes us start to wonder more about what the "Lottery" is about
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