
Ronald's cooking show

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Create your own at Storyboard That Contestants are greetedThey are allowed to explore the restaurant/houseMystery noise Tyler discovers Jeremy in his roomNew bond madeThe contestants make their way down the stairs.Participants are welcomed outside the restaurant where they will be staying. A mid-shot is used to show the faces of contestants and a extreme long shot is used to show off the restaurant.They are allowed to explore the conditions they will be living in but they're not allowed to go in to the room where the first cooking battle will take part in. A noddy shot is used to interview Tyler while he is asked of his first impressions.While Tyler is exploring , he suddenly hears a noise upstairs. His curiosity gets better of him and he goes upstairs. A OSS is used when Tyler hears the noise and looks at the stairs.Tyler finds Jeremy in his room but Jeremy tells him thatits his room and they find out that they will be roommates. A wide shot will be used to show the conversation between them two.Jeremy and Tyler talk about their favourite dishes and the chefs that inspired them , shortly after the girls come and tell them to join them downstairs for some official news A mid shot shows all four of them walking down
Create your own at Storyboard That Contestants are greetedThey are allowed to explore the restaurant/houseMystery noise Tyler discovers Jeremy in his roomNew bond madeThe contestants make their way down the stairs.Participants are welcomed outside the restaurant where they will be staying. A mid-shot is used to show the faces of contestants and a extreme long shot is used to show off the restaurant.They are allowed to explore the conditions they will be living in but they're not allowed to go in to the room where the first cooking battle will take part in. A noddy shot is used to interview Tyler while he is asked of his first impressions.While Tyler is exploring , he suddenly hears a noise upstairs. His curiosity gets better of him and he goes upstairs. A OSS is used when Tyler hears the noise and looks at the stairs.Tyler finds Jeremy in his room but Jeremy tells him thatits his room and they find out that they will be roommates. A wide shot will be used to show the conversation between them two.Jeremy and Tyler talk about their favourite dishes and the chefs that inspired them , shortly after the girls come and tell them to join them downstairs for some official news A mid shot shows all four of them walking down
Create your own at Storyboard That Contestants are greetedThey are allowed to explore the restaurant/houseMystery noise Tyler discovers Jeremy in his roomNew bond madeThe contestants make their way down the stairs.Participants are welcomed outside the restaurant where they will be staying. A mid-shot is used to show the faces of contestants and a extreme long shot is used to show off the restaurant.They are allowed to explore the conditions they will be living in but they're not allowed to go in to the room where the first cooking battle will take part in. A noddy shot is used to interview Tyler while he is asked of his first impressions.While Tyler is exploring , he suddenly hears a noise upstairs. His curiosity gets better of him and he goes upstairs. A OSS is used when Tyler hears the noise and looks at the stairs.Tyler finds Jeremy in his room but Jeremy tells him thatits his room and they find out that they will be roommates. A wide shot will be used to show the conversation between them two.Jeremy and Tyler talk about their favourite dishes and the chefs that inspired them , shortly after the girls come and tell them to join them downstairs for some official news A mid shot shows all four of them walking down
Create your own at Storyboard That Contestants are greetedThey are allowed to explore the restaurant/houseMystery noise Tyler discovers Jeremy in his roomNew bond madeThe contestants make their way down the stairs.Participants are welcomed outside the restaurant where they will be staying. A mid-shot is used to show the faces of contestants and a extreme long shot is used to show off the restaurant.They are allowed to explore the conditions they will be living in but they're not allowed to go in to the room where the first cooking battle will take part in. A noddy shot is used to interview Tyler while he is asked of his first impressions.While Tyler is exploring , he suddenly hears a noise upstairs. His curiosity gets better of him and he goes upstairs. A OSS is used when Tyler hears the noise and looks at the stairs.Tyler finds Jeremy in his room but Jeremy tells him thatits his room and they find out that they will be roommates. A wide shot will be used to show the conversation between them two.Jeremy and Tyler talk about their favourite dishes and the chefs that inspired them , shortly after the girls come and tell them to join them downstairs for some official news A mid shot shows all four of them walking down
Create your own at Storyboard That Contestants are greetedThey are allowed to explore the restaurant/houseMystery noise Tyler discovers Jeremy in his roomNew bond madeThe contestants make their way down the stairs.Participants are welcomed outside the restaurant where they will be staying. A mid-shot is used to show the faces of contestants and a extreme long shot is used to show off the restaurant.They are allowed to explore the conditions they will be living in but they're not allowed to go in to the room where the first cooking battle will take part in. A noddy shot is used to interview Tyler while he is asked of his first impressions.While Tyler is exploring , he suddenly hears a noise upstairs. His curiosity gets better of him and he goes upstairs. A OSS is used when Tyler hears the noise and looks at the stairs.Tyler finds Jeremy in his room but Jeremy tells him thatits his room and they find out that they will be roommates. A wide shot will be used to show the conversation between them two.Jeremy and Tyler talk about their favourite dishes and the chefs that inspired them , shortly after the girls come and tell them to join them downstairs for some official news A mid shot shows all four of them walking down
Create your own at Storyboard That Contestants are greetedThey are allowed to explore the restaurant/houseMystery noise Tyler discovers Jeremy in his roomNew bond madeThe contestants make their way down the stairs.Participants are welcomed outside the restaurant where they will be staying. A mid-shot is used to show the faces of contestants and a extreme long shot is used to show off the restaurant.They are allowed to explore the conditions they will be living in but they're not allowed to go in to the room where the first cooking battle will take part in. A noddy shot is used to interview Tyler while he is asked of his first impressions.While Tyler is exploring , he suddenly hears a noise upstairs. His curiosity gets better of him and he goes upstairs. A OSS is used when Tyler hears the noise and looks at the stairs.Tyler finds Jeremy in his room but Jeremy tells him thatits his room and they find out that they will be roommates. A wide shot will be used to show the conversation between them two.Jeremy and Tyler talk about their favourite dishes and the chefs that inspired them , shortly after the girls come and tell them to join them downstairs for some official news A mid shot shows all four of them walking down
Create your own at Storyboard That Contestants are greetedThey are allowed to explore the restaurant/houseMystery noise Tyler discovers Jeremy in his roomNew bond madeThe contestants make their way down the stairs.Participants are welcomed outside the restaurant where they will be staying. A mid-shot is used to show the faces of contestants and a extreme long shot is used to show off the restaurant.They are allowed to explore the conditions they will be living in but they're not allowed to go in to the room where the first cooking battle will take part in. A noddy shot is used to interview Tyler while he is asked of his first impressions.While Tyler is exploring , he suddenly hears a noise upstairs. His curiosity gets better of him and he goes upstairs. A OSS is used when Tyler hears the noise and looks at the stairs.Tyler finds Jeremy in his room but Jeremy tells him thatits his room and they find out that they will be roommates. A wide shot will be used to show the conversation between them two.Jeremy and Tyler talk about their favourite dishes and the chefs that inspired them , shortly after the girls come and tell them to join them downstairs for some official news A mid shot shows all four of them walking down
Create your own at Storyboard That Contestants are greetedThey are allowed to explore the restaurant/houseMystery noise Tyler discovers Jeremy in his roomNew bond madeThe contestants make their way down the stairs.Participants are welcomed outside the restaurant where they will be staying. A mid-shot is used to show the faces of contestants and a extreme long shot is used to show off the restaurant.They are allowed to explore the conditions they will be living in but they're not allowed to go in to the room where the first cooking battle will take part in. A noddy shot is used to interview Tyler while he is asked of his first impressions.While Tyler is exploring , he suddenly hears a noise upstairs. His curiosity gets better of him and he goes upstairs. A OSS is used when Tyler hears the noise and looks at the stairs.Tyler finds Jeremy in his room but Jeremy tells him thatits his room and they find out that they will be roommates. A wide shot will be used to show the conversation between them two.Jeremy and Tyler talk about their favourite dishes and the chefs that inspired them , shortly after the girls come and tell them to join them downstairs for some official news A mid shot shows all four of them walking down
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Storyboard Descripción

storyboard of one of my episodes in my show.

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Contestantsaregreeted
  • Theyareallowedtoexplorethe restaurant/house
  • Mysterynoise
  • Participantsarewelcomedoutsidetherestaurant wheretheywillbestaying.Amid-shotisused toshowthefacesofcontestantsandaextremelong shotisusedtoshowofftherestaurant.
  • TylerdiscoversJeremyinhisroom
  • Theyareallowedtoexploretheconditionstheywillbe livinginbutthey'renotallowedtogointotheroom wherethefirstcookingbattlewilltakepartin.Anoddy shotisusedtointerviewTylerwhileheisaskedofhis firstimpressions.
  • Newbondmade
  • WhileTylerisexploring,hesuddenlyhearsanoise upstairs.Hiscuriositygetsbetterofhimandhegoes upstairs.AOSSisusedwhenTylerhearsthenoiseand looksatthestairs.
  • Thecontestantsmaketheirway downthestairs.
  • TylerfindsJeremyinhisroombutJeremytellshimthat itshisroomandtheyfindoutthattheywillbe roommates.Awideshotwillbeusedtoshowthe conversationbetweenthemtwo.
  • JeremyandTylertalkabouttheirfavouritedishesand thechefsthatinspiredthem,shortlyafterthegirls comeandtellthemtojointhemdownstairsforsome officialnews
  • Amidshotshowsallfourofthemwalkingdown
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