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Nume Poeme Acrostic

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Nume Poeme Acrostic
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Descripción

Elevii pot crea un acrostic cu numele lor după ce citesc „Numele tău este un cântec” și pot ilustra semnificația numelui lor.

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • L
  • MY NAME!
  • Hi, my name is Lily and my name means a type of flower!
  • I
  • Lily also means beauty, purity, and devotion. One thing I am devoted to is ICE SKATING! It is my favorite sport!
  • L
  • I was named after my wonderful grandmother Lily. She and I have a special bond as the two Lilies in the family.
  • Y
  • One of the things that my Grandmother Lily taught me is how to knit with YARN! We knit a beautiful blanket together!
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