It's 1984 in Oceania: every citizen is being watched every minute of the day by the government. Cameras and posters that read “Big Brother is watching you” plastered in every home. There are strict laws that prevent freedom of expression and people live in dangerous and unsanitary and conditions and are forced to participate in constant patriotic propaganda.
Rising Action 2
Winston works for the government “re-writing” the history books for redistribution to the public. He inadvertently takes out his journal he illegally purchased and began to illegally write out his thoughts and self-hate for the government.
Rising Action 3
Julia, whose constantly staring at him all the time, finally interacts with him and hands him a note that says I love you. Winston ultimately is conflicted but will pursue her.
Rising Action 4
Julia and Winston go on their trip to the country and engage in sexual activities in the woods, thus beginning their love affair. Winston doesn’t believe she is a spy anymore since she admits that she has done that before because she is rebellious to the rules by sleeping with multiple men.
Time has passed, Winston and Julia travel to O’Brien’s apartment to announce their rebellion. O’Brien tells them the “Brotherhood” is up and running and that they are now apart of it. O’Brien gives Winston a book about an uprising of the rebellion.
Winston and Julia lay in the bed in their illegally rented room and read the book given to them buy O’Brien. Winston is upset that Julia falls asleep during the reading. They are captured by the Thought Police.
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