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10 Plague

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10 Plague
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Free the Israelites from slavery!
  • No!
  • There are frogs everywhere
  • There has been darkness for three days straight
  • All the water in Egypt turned to blood
  • There has been so much hail
  • There are gnats everywhere
  • There are flies everywhere
  • Locusts are eating our plants
  • All the livestock is dead
  • Everyone has boils
  • Please free the Israelites from slavery.
  • I already said no!
  • God asked a man named Moses to ask the Pharaoh to free the Israelites from slavery but the Pharaoh said no.
  • There is going to be one more plague where the oldest son in every house would be wiped out.
  • Ok God!
  • For my Israelites, take the best lamb or young goat, kill it and paint the blood on the doorframe.
  • Eat the meat with bitter herbs and flatbread made without yeast. Make sure to eat the whole meal as if you were ready to run right out.
  • God sent out nine plagues as a punishment for the slaves to try and change the Pharaoh's mind.
  • But after all the plagues, the Pharaoh still said no.
  • Bye!
  • God had one more plague and he had a plan to save the Israelites from the last plague and they obeyed.
  • The angel of death came that very night and killed the oldest son in each house without the blood on the doorframe.
  • The Pharaoh realises that God is in charge and he told the Israelites to move away from Egypt.
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