Age of Exploration timeline - Age of discovery Storyboard met Christopher Columbus Timeline
Texto del Guión Gráfico
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Christopher Columbus was born in the seafaring city of Genoa, Italy.
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Columbus worked aboard merchant ships as a teenager and sailed throughout the Mediterranean Sea. At an early age, he began to show a great interest in navigation and cartography.
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Columbus moved to Spain and continued to study navigation and geography. He believed he could find a trading route to Asia by sailing west from Spain.
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In order to find a western route to Asia, Columbus asked Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain to pay for his voyage.
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On August 3rd, 1492 with the financial support of the King and Queen of Spain, Columbus set sail to find the western route to Asia.
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On October 12th, 1492 a crew member named Rodrigo de Triana shouted out that he had spotted land. Columbus would name the island San Salvador.
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Columbus and his crew discover what will be known to be the island of Cuba and soon makes the first permanent Spanish settlement. Columbus believed he landed in Asia.
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Columbus returned to Spain with artifacts and American captives as proof of his discoveries. This interaction between the two worlds marked the beginning of the Columbus Exchange.
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In 1506, Columbus died in Valladolid, Spain. At the time of his death, thousands of Europeans had set sail thanks to this "New World" discovered by Columbus.