Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Hobbes believes that humans are selfish to the core, and needs laws in order to be properly controlled. Likewise, there is no such thing as morality when the world is terrorized by betrayal and malice. Concisely, the state of nature is utterly a war of every man for themselves.
Locke on the other hand believes that harmony can finally be achieved if everyone joins in unity.
Therefore, no prejudice or partiality insight. Thus, every individual must be equal on all systems and there shall be no such thing as a hierarchy in any sense.
Rosseau believes that there is no such thing as true morals and that men aren’t born on either side. It is the world that influenced his conscience. Hence no man is better or worse than another. Nature is effortlessly a kindred environment, in the end it is society’s neglect.
“They are like animals going to war with one another, threatened by fear and various ungodly force!"
“I believe everyone has inalienable rights to freedom, choices, and life. The only way for nature could truly be at peace and harmony.”
Next, the Amazon!
“Now, there is no such thing as good or evil. You're perfect the way you are”
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Hobbes believes that humans are selfish to the core, and needs laws in order to be properly controlled. Likewise, there is no such thing as morality when the world is terrorized by betrayal and malice. Concisely, the state of nature is utterly a war of every man for themselves.
Locke on the other hand believes that harmony can finally be achieved if everyone joins in unity.
Therefore, no prejudice or partiality insight. Thus, every individual must be equal on all systems and there shall be no such thing as a hierarchy in any sense.
Rosseau believes that there is no such thing as true morals and that men aren’t born on either side. It is the world that influenced his conscience. Hence no man is better or worse than another. Nature is effortlessly a kindred environment, in the end it is society’s neglect.
“They are like animals going to war with one another, threatened by fear and various ungodly force!"
“I believe everyone has inalienable rights to freedom, choices, and life. The only way for nature could truly be at peace and harmony.”
Next, the Amazon!
“Now, there is no such thing as good or evil. You're perfect the way you are”
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Hobbes believes that humans are selfish to the core, and needs laws in order to be properly controlled. Likewise, there is no such thing as morality when the world is terrorized by betrayal and malice. Concisely, the state of nature is utterly a war of every man for themselves.
Locke on the other hand believes that harmony can finally be achieved if everyone joins in unity.
Therefore, no prejudice or partiality insight. Thus, every individual must be equal on all systems and there shall be no such thing as a hierarchy in any sense.
Rosseau believes that there is no such thing as true morals and that men aren’t born on either side. It is the world that influenced his conscience. Hence no man is better or worse than another. Nature is effortlessly a kindred environment, in the end it is society’s neglect.
“They are like animals going to war with one another, threatened by fear and various ungodly force!"
“I believe everyone has inalienable rights to freedom, choices, and life. The only way for nature could truly be at peace and harmony.”
Next, the Amazon!
“Now, there is no such thing as good or evil. You're perfect the way you are”
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Hobbes believes that humans are selfish to the core, and needs laws in order to be properly controlled. Likewise, there is no such thing as morality when the world is terrorized by betrayal and malice. Concisely, the state of nature is utterly a war of every man for themselves.
Locke on the other hand believes that harmony can finally be achieved if everyone joins in unity.
Therefore, no prejudice or partiality insight. Thus, every individual must be equal on all systems and there shall be no such thing as a hierarchy in any sense.
Rosseau believes that there is no such thing as true morals and that men aren’t born on either side. It is the world that influenced his conscience. Hence no man is better or worse than another. Nature is effortlessly a kindred environment, in the end it is society’s neglect.
“They are like animals going to war with one another, threatened by fear and various ungodly force!"
“I believe everyone has inalienable rights to freedom, choices, and life. The only way for nature could truly be at peace and harmony.”
Next, the Amazon!
“Now, there is no such thing as good or evil. You're perfect the way you are”