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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Booked By Kwame Alexander
  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • Nicky, your father and I are seperating.
  • Created by Liam Mumford
  • Climax
  • Camouflaging your fears doesn't make them go away, Nicholas.
  • The Exposition is Langston Huges Middle School in modern time.Nick is currently in Ms. Hardwick's Honors English Class. Nick is daydreaming about soccer because the lesson is soooo boring. In his dream Ms. Hardwick comes running across the field and right then Coby, Nick's best friend whispers in his ear that Ms. Hardwick was talking to him. Then when she asks him a question that he didn't understand the teacher's pet Winnifred answers it and rubs it in his face.
  • Falling Action
  • Yeah, I know. I woulda scored. We woulda won.
  • Sorry about that tackle. I was going for the ball.
  • The rising Action is when he fails his math test, his parents are seperating, and he can't even talk to April. He feels his life is pointless if he didn't have soccer. His Mom is going away so he has to stay with his dad who makes read the dictionary. He then goes to see a pshycologist to talk about his problems.
  • Resolution
  • What do you think, Nick?
  • When he goes to see the psycologist the psycologist tries to show him ways to get rid of his fears. On fear is the fear of not being loved. At lunch he says he is going to ask April out but he chickens out when Coby yells Hey April, Nick has something to tell you. At the soccer game Nick plays against Coby his best friend. The score is tied with nine minutes left. He goes one on one against Coby. Coby goes for the ball but finds his ankle instead.
  • I'm afraid, okay, now what?!
  • The Falling action is when Nick goes to the hospital because his appendix is ruptured. Coby comes in to appologize and says that he was just going for the ball. He is sorry Nick won't got to the Dallas Cup but that he will bring him back some souvenirs.April comes in to see if he is ok and tells him that she has been reading his dad's book, but before she leaves she gives him a kiss on the cheek. Then the next day Mr. Mac comes in and brings him KFC and they start talking about what he is reading.
  • Everything seems back to normal for Nick Hall. April is coming to his house, he gets to play soccer again, the twins got kicked out of school for the rest of the year. Though the best thing of all is that his parents are back together. He also got to go to the formal with April and play with Mr. Mac's dragonfly jar. Lastly he goes to Charlene's pool party where he gets his bike back and he shows up the twins by making one of them fall into the pool.
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