Skolēni var izmantot šo SMART mērķu darblapu, lai izdomātu savus mācību gada mērķus! Šī pielāgojamā melnbaltā darblapa ir paredzēta drukāšanai vai digitālai lietošanai. Ietver BHAG briesmoni (izrunā Bee-hag), kas simbolizē Big Hairy Audacious Goals!
Texto del Guión Gráfico
Smart Goals! Directions: Enter Text Here
Enter Text HereEnter Text Here
Name: Enter Text Here
Measurable: How will you track the outcome of your progress?Enter Text Here
Realistic: Is your goal achievable? Explain why.Enter Text Here
Time-Oriented: How long will it take to complete?Enter Text Here
Specific: Define your goal with as much detail as possible. Think about who, what, where and when.Enter Text Here
Action: What will you do to achieve your goal?Enter Text Here
Date: Enter Text Here
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