Julius Caesar was born on July 13, 100B.C. His father’s name was Gaius Julius Caesar. In 85 BC his father died and Caesar became the head of the family.
Caesar started his military career in the early 60’s. Also he caught the Ariovistus, then he got friendly and protected them from the Germans.
1 Event that lead to popularity
Caesar always thought that he was the best. Many people honored (worshiped) him. Caesar was a great fighter.
Caesar’s Assassination
Caesar was a dictator. He decided to redo the calendar. The calendar was first made by the Egyptians, but then Caesar decided to change it. In fact July is even named after him!
My NEW calendar!!!! July is even named after me, cause I am the best!!
Caesar built a bridge across the Rhine River into Germanic territories and crossed the English Channel into Britain.
Caesar declare himself that he was the dictator. His crusade for absolute power didn’t go over well with many Roman politicians. Fearing he would become king, a group of senators conspired to end his life. They stabbed him 23 times!!