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Story Board Two Roads

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Story Board Two Roads
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Storyboard Descripción

Language Arts final project

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • I know. "You take care of me I take care of you".
  • Exposition
  • Cal, we will always follow the knight's of the road code...
  • Cal, you're Creek Indian and you're going to Challagi.
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • Go Cal!
  • Go Bear Meat
  • I will fight you for the knife.
  • Crush him!
  • In the beginning of the book, Pop and Cal are described as hoboes/knights of the road. They follow a specific code that values good manners to follow good morals in life. In this scene Cal is providing an example of the code, he takes care of Pop and Pop takes care of him.
  • Climax
  • I had a dream of my Pop in danger. I'm leaving tonight. I think he needs me.
  • Know we will always be brothers.
  • But before you go, we made a sweat lodge so you experience the Creek culture.
  • The Bonus march has been set back due to the military. I'm going to Virginia for my daughter. How 'bout you?
  • The Conflict builds up by Pop having to go to Washington for them to get money . In order for Pop to collect his bonus payment he must leave Cal in a American Indian School called Challagi. Pop reveals Cal's Creek Indian identity & describes what challenges Cal will encounter there.
  • Falling Action
  • In the rising action Cal arrives at Challagi with new friend, Possum. Cal gets challenged to fight a student named Bear Meat. Bear Meat does this to see if Cal is worthy to join his gang. Cal later proves to him that he doesn't give up easily, which earns him an opportunity to join the gang at mess/ lunch.
  • Resolution
  • Pop, I need to go follow my own road.
  • I understand Cal. Know that I missed you dearly, and that you will never be alone when you walk your own road.
  • In the Climax Cal is in the forest with his summer friends. He has been seeing visions of his Pop being in danger, and plans to run away from Challagi to warn him. His friends support him and provide him his first sweat, which is part of his Creek culture. They later do the sweat lodge and watch Cal escape Challagi.
  • In the falling action Cal catches a train where Gale, another passenger, provides him food and information about the bonus march. Cal collects this valuable information to locate Pop. He learns that the military might be employed to disperse of the bonus march.
  • My pop is in the bonus army. By the way, thank you ma'am for the food.
  • Cal reaches Pop after escaping a tear gas attack. He expresses his gratitude for being with Pop. He later tells Pop that he must go back to Challagi for his friends, that he needs to follow his own road from now on.
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