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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • 1801-1803
  • Louisiana Purchase- A visual of the land that the U.S gained
  • SALE
  • = land gained
  • The French and Americans negotiated to get 827,000 square miles of land!!
  • "Indian Removal in the Southeast" Andrew Jackson approves the Indian Removal Act and Trail of Tears
  • As a result of the approval of the Indian Removal Act, the 5 civilized tribes were forced to migrate to Oklahoma on a journey called the Trail of Tears. around 4,000 people died on the way.
  • Andrew Jackson
  • indian removal act
  • 1830
  • 1831
  • The indian removal act was signed in May of 1830 which orders the Cherokees, Choctaws, Chicksaws, and the Creeks to evacuate to Oklahoma
  • Stephen F. Austin
  • Texas- Stephen F. Austin leads 300 families into Texas and the Battle of Alamo
  • Let's go to Texas!
  • Americans and Mexicans fighting at the Battle of Alamo in early 1836
  • Me too! I also heard that they have cattle there too!
  • Yay! I heard they have amazing soil quality
  • VS.
  • 1836
  • This event is significant to the Americans because not only are they fulfilling this idea of "Manifest Destiny," by gaining 1/3 of the land, but by gaining this land, they are also gaining in population, wealth, and power. It was also significant to the Indigenous people because they were getting land taken away from the Americans, and for them, land wasn't just property, it was tied to their lives and culture. 
  • Mexican War- President James K. Polk gives speech and the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  • 54'40 OR FIGHT!
  • Pres. James K. Polk
  • This event is significant to the Indigenous people- specifically the 5 civilized tribes because they are essentially getting kicked out of their homes without doing anything wrong to the Americans and even dying while getting evacuated for no reason. This event is also significant to the United States and their people because it uncovers the fundamental shift in the way America defines itself and how other people view this new nation.
  • Oregon Territory- People going on the Oregon Trail
  • This event is significant to the Americans because although they had lost the Battle of Alamo, the loss actually encouraged them to fight even harder and even encourage other Tejanos to fight for their independence from Mexico so that they could expand their land and continue with slavery. This event is also significant to the Mexican government because since they have lost so much land, they are very angry at the Americans and the result of the anger could strike war.
  • American Indians and "Westward Expansion"- Americans killing buffalos as a sport in order to take away Native American's main resource for survival
  • 1870-1890
  • I bet I can kill more buffalo than you!
  • This is such a fun sport!
  • This event is significant to Mexico because the result of the Mexican war leaves Mexico with 2/3s of the land that they had before the war- which means they have less power, population, and wealth. The wars were also significant to the Americans because now that they have this land, they are further thinking about the slavery issue and if the U.S slave states will become pro or against slavery which could possibly lead to conflict.
  • 1846-1848
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo:Official end of the Mexcian American War!!!Mexico loses 55% of their territory including Texas!
  • 1848
  • This event is significant to the British because it was valuable to both the British and the U.S because of its quality of land, resources, and most importantly, gold; and some disputes later, British had lost the property which also meant loss of power, wealth, and population. This event is also significant to the Indigenous peoples because while some tribes had signed treaties, only to have the Americans take their land away and lose trust in the treaties that they were signing.
  • 1846
  • this is our main resource!
  • This event is significant to the Indigenous people because the extinction of the buffalo left them resourceless, as they used every single part of the buffalo and did not let anything go to waste which led to the questioning of their survival. This event was also significant to the Americans because their success with the buffalo extinction and the victories of the battles versus the Indigenous people expanded their land and fulfilled the idea of “Manifest Destiny.”
  • Stop killing our precious buffalo!!
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