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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Scott has relocated to Georgia from New York to manage the new office his company has opened here.
  • However the house he has been given has very little furniture. He doesn't have time to go to the store and is unsure if he will get furniture of his choice online.
  • He goes to abc.com and searches for chairs. However he becomes confused by the huge no of choices he has. He is already unnerved at the idea of going through the entire collection and doing the same for tables, bed, sofa etc.
  • www.abc.com/chairs
  • On visiting one product page the recommender system shows Scott more options mapping his viewing behavior to previous users' viewing behaviors.
  • Engage
  • www.abc.com/chair1
  • Visitors who viewed this also viewed
  • $105
  • The recommender system maps Scott's viewing behavior to previous users' buying behaviors and shows him relevant options of higher price point.
  • Engage
  • www.abc.com/chair2
  • Visitors who viewed this bought
  • $110
  • Effective mapping of Scott's viewing behaviors to previous users' viewing and buying behaviors led to addition of a higher-priced product to cart.
  • Up-sell
  • www.abc.com/chair3
  • Visitors who viewed this bought
  • $150
  • The recommender system maps Scott's buying behavior to previous users' buying behaviors to show him complementary products he is most likely to be interested in.
  • Engage
  • Your Cart
  • www.abc.com/cart
  • Visitors who bought this also bought
  • $150
  • Proceed to Checkout
  • Effective mapping of Scott's buying behavior to previous users' buying behaviors led to addition of another product to cart increasing cart value.
  • Cross-sell
  • Your Cart
  • www.abc.com/cart
  • Visitors who bought these also bought
  • $150
  • $200
  • Proceed to Checkout
  • Mapping Scott's buying behavior to previous users' repeat buying behavior provides highly relevant recommendations giving Scott reason to visit again.
  • Engage
  • www.abc.com/confirm
  • Thank you for the order. The following items are being shipped to you.
  • Customers with similar interests have also bought
  • Scott's furniture shopping effort was much less of a hassle than expected. But he still needs to buy a bed.
  • Recommendations based on past behavior results in highly customized experience leading to high loyalty and high customer lifetime value.
  • Personalize
  • www.abc.com/scott
  • Recent orders
  • Recommendations for you, Scott
  • Relevant and personalized recommendations helped in turning Scott into a loyal and high value customer for ABC.com
  • There is still lots of space!!
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