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Bilingual Education

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Bilingual Education
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Hello Karen. How are you?
  • Hello. I am nostalgic. I was remembering my days at school. Specially when I was in English class.
  • Why?
  • My favorite class was English. But I couldn't develop all my communicative skills.
  • I remember for the listening skills, we had to fill the gaps in the students book with the book CD.
  • We never spoke in English, because all the students were ashamed. The one who talk in English was the teacher.
  • That´s true. My school hadn't the proper curricula in that moment.
  • Yes. If you wanted to learn English with school's programs, you had to go abroad and It was so expensive.
  • Mejía, A.M de (2002). Power, Prestige & Bilingualism: International Perspectives on Elite Bilingual Education. p.3-30
  • I know different programs, offered by colleges like Oxford. But it is exclusively for wealthy people.
  • Yeah, programs like Pull-Out- Classes, Supported Inmersion and Transitional Bilingual Assimilation
  • I think, schools should create programs that extend language practices to ensure that children become competent users of language.
  • Right, in this way all of us have the same opportunity to learn a foreign language.
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