Victor's wedding is threatened when he refuses to create a female partner for the monster
I shall never create a female for you!!
Then I shall be with you on your wedding night!
Victor washes up in Ireland and is convicted for a murder he didn't commit. However, the victim is Henry Clerval.
Do you know this guy?
Victor has become ill over Clerval's death and is visited by his dad in prison.
*sniff* *sniff* Dad! How's Elizabeth and Ernest? Please get me out of here!
Hi son. I assure you, everyone is fine. We will get you out of here.
Victor sat in his remote laboratory in Scotland to contemplate whether or not he would create a female for his monster. He decided not to because he doesn't want to cause more trouble with two monster than he did with one since he knows the monsters would have children. The monster then threatens to ruin Victor's marriage to Elizabeth as revenge.
Victor is released from prison and travels to Paris with his dad to rest.
After Victor receives a letter from Clerval, he sets out at sea to continue his travels. A storm hits and he ends up in Ireland where he is greeted unkindly by the locals. They think Victor had commited a murder the previous night, so they take him to the town magistrate named Mr. Kirwin. Mr. Kirwin takes Victor to the body of the victim and Victor is shocked. The body is of his dear friend Henry Clerval! It is clear that the monster murdered him.
After returning to Geneva, Victor is determined to fight the monster if it dares to attack him on his wedding night.
Victor is thrown in prison and becomes very sick over Clerval's death. He remains sick for over two months. His dad hears of Clervals death and Victor's imprisonment and sickness. Victor's dad takes a trip to Ireland where he visit's Victor.
Victor and Elizabeth finally get married!
Oh Victor, Im so happy!
The court deems Victor as innocent and he is eventually released from prison. On the way back to Geneva, Victor and his dad stop in Paris to rest. Victor receives a letter from Elizabeth who is concerned that he has fallen in love with another woman. Victor assures Elizabeth that she is the only woman for him and the only person who can bring him joy.
Elizabeth, you are the only girl I love and the only one who can bring me joy.
Victor, are you in love with another?
Elizabeth's letter reminds Victor of the monster's threat. Victor believes that the monster will attack and kill him. Victor decides that he will fight back if the monster is to come.
If the monster is to attack, then I will fight back. If one of us perishes, at least my torment will be over!
My dear Elizabeth, we are now married!
At last, the moment we've all been waiting for! Victor and Elizabeth finally get married. But, as the wedding night approaches, Victor becomes more anxious for his encounter with the monster.