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History project
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Kshatriya
  • Moksha
  • Brahmins
  • Brahman
  • Karma is presented when the guy helps the cat who is cut in the first scene. He is then reborn into a better life. Where he helps the homeless by giving them food. This chain of virtuousness continues through each life until he is reborn into The Brahmins (The top of the social classes). This represents that if you do good you will be rewarded. Karma is the notion that what you do in your current life will affect you in the next life. Since the guy was good in his lives his next lives were even better since he was rewarded for his good deeds. In the last scene the guy is in the class Brahmins and meets a Brahman. He is in Moksha and has his deepest Atman. There is Samsara each slide because the guy is getting reborn each time in the new slide as a better social class. Ahimsa is presented in the first slide when he helps the injured cat. Ahimsa is also presented in the 4th slide were he choose's not to kill the enemy. The guys Dharma is presented when his duty and belief is to never hurt anyone and to help those that are hurt.
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