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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • The Merchant And The Two Beggars
  • Once upon a time, in a small town lived a rich merchant. He was a very kind man and always gave to the people who came to him in hardship.
  • Here you go . Take this money and buy your husband medicine.
  • Please help me ! My husband is sick and I don't have money for medicine.
  • Thank you so much !!!
  • Years passed the kind merchant kept helping everyone, but soon everyone in the town took advantage of his kind-heartedness. Soon the merchant became poor. he no longer lived in a mansion, he lived in a small hut. Now when he went to people and asked for help nobody had helped him.
  • One day as he was having his last meal with no money to buy more food. A beggar came.
  • Sir, I haven't eaten in days. Please give me something to eat.
  • The poor merchant split his food into two and gave half to the beggar.
  • There...have some food.
  • Thank you sir!
  • The beggar left happily. As the merchant was about to eat the other half another beggar came. So he gave the other half of the food too.
  • Take this!
  • I am very hungry. Please give me some food.
  • Thank you !
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