Mr Jones goes to bed after getting drunk and leaves the animals in the barn. Old Major the prize winning pig calls all the animals around to listen to a speech. He begins to tell the animals that he has been thinking for along time about all the hardship they as animals face like hard work no food, being slaughtered and its all because of the greed of the humans. Using scapegoating old major identity's humans as the enemy and attempts to unite them all against the common enemy. He promise's they will have it better and easier if thy do what he suggest and over throw the humans. He teaches the animals a song thats easy to remember. " The Beast of England: to inspire them with ideas. Although Old Major believes he is acting in there best interest and is not trying to deceive them this is all propaganda.He tells the animals to stick together and to protect each other even the wild animals. They all begin to sing again then they wak mr jones and hurry off to bed.
Texto del Guión Gráfico
"The animals were happy as they never conceived it possible to be. Every mouthful of food was an acute positive pleasure, now that i was truly their own food, produced by themselves and for themselves