“Why do you got to get killed? You ain't so little as mice. I didn't bounce you hard.”
"I jus' set an' stroke it 'cause it's so soft."
"I like to pet nice things with my fingers, sof' things."
The setting of chapter five takes place in the barn. Due to Lennie's strong hands, he was stroking the puppy which led him to squeeze it and kill it unintentionally. He was upset over its death.
"I've done a really bad thing... George'll be mad."
Lennie kills the puppy in the barn and asks why it had to die. Lennie also believes if George found out he wouldn't be able to tend the rabbits on the farm they were going to buy.
"I'm gonna go in the bunkhouse. Then in a minute you come along and make like I never seen her."
Lennie likes soft things, so Curley's wife lets him touch her hair, because he tells her he is upset about killing the puppy. Lennie says her hair is soft and he starts stroking it harder.
"Alright you, guys... When you see 'um... shoot for his guts."
Curley's wife begins to scream. Lennie then puts his hand around her mouth and nose, and kills Curley's wife by snapping her neck.
Candy discovers Curley's wife's dead body and goes to tell George. Both Candy and George make a plan to keep George out of trouble. He should go first so the other men on the ranch think that George wasn't in on killing her.
Curley tells the men to find Lennie and if they find him he said to them to aim for his guts. Curley wants Lennie dead, because he killed his wife and now has an intense hatred for Lennie.