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The radical Spartacist League was led by Karl Leibnecht and Rosa Luxembourg. (They took their name from the Roman Slave Spartacus who led a rebellion in 73BC)

Inspired by the Communist revolution in Russia, the Spartacists wanted to overthrow the Weimar government and make Germany Communist

On the 6th January 1919, the Spartacists began to try and overthrow Ebert and the Weimar government in Berlin.Over 50,000 people went on strike and newspaper buildings were seized.

The violence of the uprising forced the government to relocate to Weimar. Ebert called on the army to put down the uprising, but they did not have enough soldiers.

Ebert called on the Freikorps. The Freikorps strongly disliked communism so they agreed to help. Over 100 people were killed during the uprising.

The uprising or putsch was badly planned and did not get any support.Leibnecht and Luxembourg were captured and killed.

Rosa Luxembourg

Karl Leibnecht

German Communist Party (KPD)



The Weimar government is useless. Communism is the way forward

We're coming for you!

Go and put down the uprising in Berlin.

Yes Sir. We may also need to bring in the Freikorps - They hate the communists as much as we do.

We are not huge fans of the Weimar government. But we hate communists more! We will help you put down this uprising

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