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कवि एक्स चरित्र तुलना

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कवि एक्स चरित्र तुलना
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Storyboard Descripción

छात्र एलिजाबेथ एसेवेडो द्वारा द पोएट एक्स के पात्रों की तुलना वेन आरेख के साथ कर सकते हैं!

Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • The Poet X
  • PoetFemaleConflicts with MamíQuestions the ChurchTrouble in school Close with her teacherEndures sexual harassmentLoves AmanSearching for her voice
  • Character Comparison: Xiomara vs. Xavier (Twin)
  • Live with Mami & Papi in HarlemBest friends with CaridadTwins! Try to be there for each other
  • Loves science and wins awardsMaleMamí is much easier on himLoves the Church and actively participatesExcels in school Endures homophobiaLoves CodySearching for the courage to be true to himself
  • byElizabeth Acevedo
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