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kira kira

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kira kira
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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • "Lynn was being attacked by the dog," said katie
  • "why are you wearing a dress?"
  • Make a rumbling noise in your throat and spit"
  • In this scene it is showing Lynn to be a great sister to katie. She is a great sister because she is really smart and is a genius. She knows everything about the world and proves to be really helpful to katie. She also proves to be a great leader to kids .
  • Don't play in the road!
  • In this scene katie doesn't know about racism and being judged by a girl that looks different from them. She has never even thought of this because katie is an innocent child and doesnt know much about the world. She doesn't really have any friends at school because she is different so she hangs out with her sister lynn. She also isn't very good at school or not as good as her sister and her teacher
  • ....
  • In this scene the uncle teaches the girls how to spit. They are riding in the back of the uncles truck he starts to teach them how to spit. He says to rumble your throat until spit comes up and blow as hard as you can. Then the girls try it and they start spitting and becoming more like the loud uncle.
  • The mom is very short and quite and content. In this scene the mom is yelling at katie and lynn to get out of the road because a car might hit them. The mom is very over protective and worries about the littlest things. She doesn't want them to play in a road on farm feild where less than one car passes a day on there. but that is what mothers have to do.
  • The dad is a very tall lanky man he is around 6 ft and is very content. He is super quit and rarely talks . He likes for everyone to be silent but likes reading the news paper. He can take weeks for him to decide on things and likes to think things over. In this scene he is reading a news paper in peace and being quite.
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