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Green House Gasses and Oceans

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Green House Gasses and Oceans
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  • There are many human activities increase the levels of Carbon Dioxide in the air. One of the methods is when factories that burn fossil fuels such as coal. Other human activities that increase carbon dioxide include car emissions and even breathing.
  • The more carbon dioxide produced and released into the air the more it will dissolve into the oceans. As the carbon dioxide dissolves into the ocean, it increases the ocean's acidity levels making it much more harmful to it's inhabitants.
  • This increased acidification will break down and destroy the calcium carbonate that makes up the hard skeleton of the corals. This will cause the coral to go white and die, also killing the algae on it.
  • Since the carbon dioxide kills off the coral, it makes all of the animals using the reefs without a place to live or use like they would before. Many organisms using the corals would be left to the unknown.
  • Without their hiding spots or places to live and gather food. Many of the fish would either leave or die. As a result only a few tough species who could survive would stay
  • Now there is very little biodiversity due to the change in habitat from the carbon dioxide. Only one type of fish is left and one predator who can hunt them will be able to threaten them to extinction since they are they only fish left in the area. A disease of some sort that the fish are susceptible to can also wipe them out, leaving the whole place void of fish.
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