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Civil War and Revolution

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Civil War and Revolution
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  • Indeed
  • Ah finally, you're back!
  • Honey are you ok?
  • Yeah, all this conflict is getting to me.
  • Ugh.. this is so pointless..
  • This isn't fair!
  • Suck it up and be QUIET!!!
  • (1603) soldiers come to base after realizing Queen Elizabeth Dies and James l Becomes King.
  • Trouble erupts in townspeople about polotics and religeon and arguing starts due to the conflicts that are happening with The Queen dying and that Charles l became king and the choices that are being made. (divine right of kings) (Petition of power)
  • The Civil War starts. Roundheads and Cavaliers fight after parliament tried to limit Charles l Power. Winner= Civil war. Purging of parliament.
  • King Charles l gets beheaded. (the first monarch to be beheaded in public)
  • Charles ll does not believe in the divine right of kings.William & Mary get offered English throne. James also had little support, his soldiers desert him and he flees to France with little to no bloodshed.
  • The bill of Rights turns England into a Constitutional Monarchy
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