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plessy v ferguson

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plessy v ferguson
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  •  This incident takes place on June 7, 1892, on a train. The defendent is Homer A. Plessy 
  •  Plessy was 1/8 African American. When the train conductor demanded him to give up his seat, he refused. He was then arrested and imprison in a New Orleans jail. 
  • I would like to appeal! This is unconstitutional and goes against the 13th and 14th ammendments.
  • We have decided to introduce the separate-but-equal doctrine, and we have decided that these ammendments have nothing to do with this case.
  •  In short, Plessy's appeal was denied.
  • Topeka, Kansas , 1954 In a later case, Linda Brown was denied admission to an all white school, starting a supreme court case. 
  • Brown then took this to court, and won. The court ruled that "separate-but-equal" does not apply to the education system. Going back to Plessy v Ferguson, it got overturned, due to Brown vs Board of Ed. Modern authority ruled it should be overturned,  They also added anything said prior is not true.
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