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Texto del Guión Gráfico

  • Swin for you life !
  • I'm sure you can save us.
  • Now we must work against the tempest. Please, go back to yours room. It's daugers here !
  • Father, please stop the storm with you magic. Maybe somebory is danger. Look !
  • Don't worry my daughter. I've organised it all. Evebory on the ship will soon be safe.
  • How atrange ! Our clothes are dry and new again.
  • I'll only be happy when I find my son, Ferdinand.
  • We are safe and should be happy for this.
  • I'm a prince, Miranda. My name's Ferdinand. I'm afraid my poor father is lost sea.
  • I don't know any other women, only own face in the mirror. As for men, I've only seen you and my father. Oops ! I'm sepeaking too much and forgetting my father's advice.
  • Alonso and Antonio are crazy with the thought of ehat they did to you and Miranda. But I must also tell you that Antonio and Sebastian were planning to kill Alonso.
  • At last, we're got time to talk, Ariel. Tell me everything.
  • Yes, it's me. And, Antonio ! Should I call my brother? You tried kill me. I'll return to my country and be Duke of Milan.
  • Father ! The sea's been kind to you. This beautiful girl is Prospero's daughter, Miranda. I've chosen her to be my wife !
  • Are you really Prospero ? I'm not sure.
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