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  • The Five Latin American Social ClassesBY Trinity Squires
  • Slaves and NativesIn Colonial Latin America the lowest socialclass is the slaves and natives. Originally native Americans were used as slave labor until the population grew to small and they turned to african slave labor. In 1791 a group of 1000 slaves in Haiti revolted and started the Haitian Revolution that was eventuallyled by the former slave leader ToussaintL'Ouverture.
  • MulattosMulattoeswere the next up class. They were people with one spanish and one African/slave parent. They livedin better conditions with moreopportunities
  • MestizoMestizos were thethird highest social class. This class consistedof people with one spanishand one native parent. The Mestizos acted the mexican revolution, that was lead by a MestizopriestFather Miguel Hidalgo.
  • CreolesCreoles were the secondhighest social class. They were spaniards who were born in Latin America. They couldn't hold political office but could be Army officers. They acted in the South American revolution which was lead by The creole Simon Bolivar
  • PeninsularesThe peninsulareswere the single highest social class. They were people born in spain. They were the most privilegedout of all of the other classes and could hold political office.
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