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Brown bears like to get their food from the rivers. One of their favorites are salmon.

During the summer brown bears will go to the rivers when salmon are migrating to lay eggs.

help me!


Looks like our friend caught a fish, lol.

Brown bears eat a lot during summer to get ready to hibernate in winter.

Most brown bears hibernate in the winter to avoid the cold weather and the lack of food.

During their winter slumber, bears' bodies drop in body temperature, pulse rate, and respiration. Their bodies use the fat they stored in the summer as energy.

Brown bears are cool lol.

Yeah I know I am cooler than you.

The brown bear is a large bear species found across Eurasia and North America. In North America, the populations of brown bears are called grizzly bears, while the subspecies that inhabits the Kodiak Islands of Alaska is known as the Kodiak bear

Hmp, what's over here...

What is this dude talking about...

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