1.hmm," when I call upon my DASHING BEING,out comes the same OLD LAZY SELF,and so I never know just WHO I AM,nor how many I am, nor WHO WE WILL BE BEING."
3. Could you quiet down??4 Sorry.5 And it means the he doesn't have just one of something, like characteristics.
1."Of the many men whom I am, whom we are,I cannot settle on a single one."
2. No clue. It could mean that he's noticing that people are losing themselves( their personality changes)
1. ohh, I'm starting to understand what about,"I am dozing in the midstof people of some distinction,
2. Sadly I have to go, but see you soon.
1. I'll give you a summary of it"We Are Many".The Author is saying that we have more then one personality/characteristic when interacting or sad etc. From there you can break the rest down
Aww, bye.
3.IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT, It's getting dark.
2.He might be losing himself and his train of thought while thinking he's in his right state of mind.
"I would like to be able to touch a belland call up my real self."ooo that means he wants to be himself whenever he want's but it isn't that easy
Heyyyyyy!, you gucci?
Yea I finally have the understanding of this poem.He's struggle with his inner self and characteristics that's so me.
That sounds fun, LETS BE GUCCI BUDDIES.
That's good it's gonna rain soon, Wanna stay for a while?