Obviously. Free food, water, health care, shelter, this is perfect!
Well ever since the president became lactose intolerant cheese was banned.
Jesse, we need to cook.
Macaroons, yes. Not like that's illegal or anything.
YOU want to cook m-
Needs are necessary for human life, but wants are pretty much optional.
By golly, Christopher, what a magnificent tree you've found! Surely by now we can afford to trade that fancy automobile from Mr. Ferrari
*baby noises*
Command economies are completely controlled by the government, they control everything relating to business
This Mr. Snuggles teddy bear is a one-of-a-kind, it's been passed for generations and by now it's worth thousands.
Weren't those recalled for safety reasons?
Market economies have absolutely no interaction with the government, but these are theoretical as the lack of government interference can lead to illegal activities or safety hazards.
Indeed, we are expected to reach our next peak by the upcoming decade.
Good news, the economy is finally growing after last year's trough!
Traditional Economies are very old, they rely on getting resources yourself and may involve bartering.
An increase in supply will cause a decrease in demand, anda decrease in supply will cause an increase in demand.
As time progresses, the value of items will slowly increase and decrease in a wave-like pattern, causing prosperity or an economic collapse